Surtronic Duo roughness meter for slip assessment*
* when used in conjunction with the HSE SAT (Slips Assessment Tool) the Duo slip resistance tester gives a clear indication of the potential for slip on flooring
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Surtronic Duo used for flooring measurement in conjunctions with HSE SAT tool
The Surtronic Duo meter (surface microroughness tester) measures the Rz parameter and is used extensively by health and safety personnel to assess slip resistance of flooring in local authorities, hospitals, kitchens and restaurants:
- Use in conjunction with the HSE SAT (Slips Assessment Tool) software
- Supplied with reference standard for traceable results*
- Suitable for large or small areas, slopes/ramps and stairs
- Over 100 units sold to the HSE
- Predicts floor slipperiness in water-contaminated conditions**
* Optional UKAS certificate traceable to international standards available
** Using measurements taken in dry conditions using the SAT software
Roughness measurement is a prerequisite of the HSE SAT software and the Surtronic Duo roughness meter is ideally suited to flooring measurements due to its ‘remote control’ operation.
HSE research has shown that measurement of the Rz parameter allows slipperiness to be predicted for a range of common materials and also to monitor changes in floor surface characteristics such as wear (Rz is a measure of total surface roughness, calculated as the mean of several peak-to-valley measurements).

The old style 'Kenny' has been replaced with Surtronic Duo II above
The Surtronic Duo Slipmeter is used extensively to check flooring safety in hospitals, shopping centres, restaurants, on public transport networks and in local authorities. Flooring manufacturers also use the Surtronic Duo to control the roughness in their manufacturing processes and meet the increasingly stringent requirements of their customers.
Use of the hand-held Surtronic Duo Microroughness meter requires minimal training and when used in conjunction with the HSE SAT (Slip Assessment Tool) software gives a clear indication of the potential for slip.
The Surtronic Duo roughness meter is suitable for most flooring types including slopes/ramps and stairs. It is not recommended for use on carpet, undulating or very rough floors. For ease of use, the Duo splits into two parts, allowing the measuring head to be placed on the flooring and the measurement to be made via a ‘remote control’. The results can then be used to feed into the HSE software and provide a quantifiable risk assessment.