Deep Bore Surface Finish Measurement
The Surtronic S100 series has the ability to measure surface finish inside deep bores such as cylinder liners and other components which have large or narrow holes. This is made easy by using an additional extension rod which is simply attached between the Existing pick-up and the Surtronic.
Measurement to a depth of 250mm inside a bore is possible with the standard extension rod (112/1510) and even greater depths of up to 500mm can be achieved with additional extension rods, available to special order.
In some applications involving large diameter bores, pipes and vessels it is also possible to place the Surtronic S100 series inside the component and activate the measurement sequence remotely using a software trigger. This method has proved very successful within the oil and drilling industry.
Both the above methods still allow the operator to use any of the other Surtronic S100 series pick-ups from the range and therefore recess and “O” ring grooves can also be measured deep inside bores.

Surface finish measurement in deep bores using the Surtronic with extension rod and O ring pickup