About our Portable Tripod Stands (M Series, 801, 810 & 5030):

Sturdy portable tripods for use with laser trackers and scanners
These tripod stands give the benefit of portability with a minimal sacrifice of stability. They tend to be used with scanners and laser tracking instruments where the equipment needs to be moved to a variety of locations.
All the M Series stands use non-corrosive materials so are fully waterproof and suitable for most environments.
The leg design offers optimal stability while bearing substantial weight. Each leg uses two tubes for the double upper leg struts. The tubes can be aluminium or graphite based on requirements (stands with graphite have a lower weight and better thermal stability).
Hard anodized aluminium tubes extend from the knee to the floor and stabilizer rods connect the tripods legs firmly to the protective outer tube located in the centre of the stand. The stands can be supplied with swivel pad or trivet point feet.