Customised Optical Products
With many years experience in electro-optical metrology, Spectrum Metrology can provide technical advice on a range of systems and accessories to solve your measurement problem. Below we have shown a catalogue of examples - price on application.
Battery Operated Illuminator for use with alignment telescope in remote locations without mains power
Self centring targets
Simple, inexpensive sighting tube
The Talyvel can be mounted in a special trolley for checking the ‘sag’ or straightness of rollers
Simple, 2 axis tilt indicator for checking the tilt of large trucks and tractors when mounting grass verges and steep inclines. An audio alarm when tilt is over 45° prevents the vehicle from tipping over
A simple base for the Talyvel with tilting plate, allowing the customer to fix the Talyvel to his own fixtures
Engine bore target holder: lightweight target holder which can be fitted onto an engine bearing for alignment checks with the Telescope
Fixture for setting Micro Alignment Telescope line of sight truly vertical using a Talyvel and flat mirror
The autocollimator can be used to check the accuracy of polygons or indexing tables. We can supply AA gage Ultradex indexing tables for calibrating polygons.
Invar calibration sets for large scale 3D measurement are available in a variety of configurations
Granite tables, squares and straight edges using natural or synthetic granite
We can make a variety of special targets, graticules, lenses and prisms
A variety of special targets for use with theodolites, photo-grammetry and laser trackers are available