Visual Autocollimators

TA51 microptic autocollimator
Taylor Hobson has a range of visual dual axis autocollimators which use a graticule in the eyepiece viewing system, with or without micrometers.
TA51 Microptic Dual Axis Autocollimator
The TA51 MIcroptic Dual Axis Autocollimator is supplied as standard with a light field graticule and has two micrometers, one in each axis of measurement. The micrometer is used to move the eyepiece graticule across the field of view until it coincides with the reflected target graticule image. The angular displacement of the reflector can then be read directly from the micrometer scale. This system comes as standard with a levelling base.
VA900 Microptic Dual Axis Autocollimator

VA900 microptic autocollimator with optional vertical base and vivi camera system
The VA900 Microptic Dual Axis Autocollimator allows measurement of the two axes using a combination of the instruments two axes graticule and single micrometer and is provided as standard with a dark field graticule. The VA900 is supplied as standard without mounting fixtures.
TA60 Minidekkor
The TA60 Minidekkor uses a two axis graticule for general measuring duties in workshop and toolroom. The standard minidekkor is provided with a dark field graticule which allows clear images to be obtained from low reflectivity surfaces such as unsilverred glass and from surfaces as small as 3mm in diameter.
Camera Systems
The visual autocollimator range can also be used with a high resolution visual camera system in place of an eyepiece. Dedicated vivi software allows the image to be magnified up to x8, making it easier to view any angle changes precisely and minimising eye strain.
Technical Data
Type | TA60 | VA900 | TA51 |
Accuracy: | 6 sec | 1 sec | 0.5 sec |
Range of measurement: | 60x60 min | ±900 sec (±1500 sec ext) |
10 min |
Direct reading to: | 60 sec | 0.5 sec | 0.2 sec |